A digital identity is a unique digital representation of an entity (human, device, or organization) comprising attributes, credentials, and permissions that can authenticate the entity.
Given the Principle of Intent the identity $I$ should reference to consistent behaviour and goals of some entity regardless of where or how it is executed or housed.
What is AI identity? - We don’t know, this doc is a WIP for defining this.
Proposals for different types of identities:
An agent class $I = (M, C)$.
An agent $I_0 = (M, C’)$ is of the class $(M, C)$ if it shares $M$ and $C$ such that $C’ = C || C_{continued}$. i.e. $I_0 \sub I$
Should an identity belong to a single Class? i.e. an agent of Class $A$ has access to assets for which all agents of $A$ have access? - I don’t think this makes sense.