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Tone is informal and informational, target is to get people pilled on verifiable sensors and their applications. Final section is to advertise fremen and truthtok

It will have a technical deep dive into c2pa veritas etc

It's partially a flex piece to show we know a lot in this area

Piece should be quite crypto native and should hype people up a bit


1. Introduction:

• Open with the challenge of verifying reality in the age of AI-generated content.

• Discuss the increasing difficulty in trusting media.

  1. The Importance of Verification:

• Explain why this issue is actually an unlock for crypto - emphasizing that reliable data oracles unlock a number of applications and outline what they are. ✅

• Introduce existing initiatives like C2PA.

3. Explaining C2PA:

• Detail how C2PA works and its current limitations.

• Highlight issues like privacy concerns and the root of trust problem.

4. Explaining Veritas:

• Discuss the Veritas paper by Dan Boneh, and how it improves upon C2PA.

• Outline potential future developments.

  1. Verification Techniques:

• Briefly cover verification techniques by various AI companies.

  1. Competitors and Solutions:

• Mention competitors producing media verification solutions and describe how they work

  1. On-Chain Registry Concept: