
A Decentralized Oracle Network (DON) is a distributed system run by a set of oracle nodes. It aims to extend the existing smart contract capabilities on a blockchain.

In simpler terms, a Decentralized Oracle Network (DON) allows smart contracts and systems to access off-chain data sources. Its purpose is to enable hybrid smart contracts that use both on-chain and off-chain computations connected to external resources.

A DON has two kinds of functionalities:



An example: Deviation-triggered price feed

Here is an example from the whitepaper [1]. Imagine a situation where a smart contract ($SC$) necessitates up-to-date price-feed information each time a substantial change, e.g., a $1\%$ alteration, occurs in the exchange rate of a pair of assets, like ETH-USD. Let's denote $\mathcal{L}$ as a ledger in this context.

Seven key design goals

The whitepaper [1] analyzes Chainlink 2.0 under the following design goals.

  1. Hybrid smart contracts,
  2. Abstracting away complexity,
  3. Scaling,
  4. Confidentiality,