Since Proof of Humanity is mentioned in some of Kleros’ materials as a mechanism of Sybil resistance for juror sets, we provide a brief description here.


Proof of Humanity (or PoH) is a social identity verification system for humans on Ethereum. PoH combines webs of trust, reverse Turing tests, and dispute resolution to create a Sybil-proof list of humans.

To submit a profile in PoH, one will need to provide:

  1. Display Name, First Name, Last Name: Submit your full name.
  2. Short Bio: Include a concise personal description.
  3. Photo of Your Face:
  4. Video with Face and Eth Address:
  5. Deposit:
  6. Vouching and Challenges:
  7. Disputes & Removal Requests:
  8. Universal Basic Income (UBI):

How a profile gets accepted

Diagram description of the process for submitting an identity

Diagram description of the process for submitting an identity


  1. The system's requirements for an individual to submit a photo and a video may prove insufficient as deep fake technology advances, and creating realistic images and videos of non-existent people is becoming easier. Consequently, these false identities could infiltrate the system, presenting multiple fake persons as genuine users.
  2. Another concern is the potential for exploiting individuals unfamiliar with the blockchain space. An individual could cheaply recruit others to create identities, instructing them to post photos and videos on their behalf. This presents a way for creating illegitimate identities within the system.